Before, during, after-massage

Do I need to prepare  - the following guidelines will help you get maximum benefit from your treatment:

Do not eat a heavy meal for two hours prior to your treatment
Shower before attending (if possible)
Allow 1.5 hours for your visit
Advise of any existing conditions
Ladies - your treatment may include face work - you may wish to remove makeup


If this is your first visit to Meltage please fill out the consultation form in the reminder text and return before your appointment. 

What happens during treatment - you will be shown to a private treatment room and left to undress, towels are provided to cover yourself. The following are a few things you may experience during massage, if you have any concerns please ask:
Tired and sleepy - it is not a crime to fall asleep
Energised - therapy has different effects on different people
Thirsty - if you need a drink of water please say
Emotional - don't worry tissues are at hand - massage is for many about letting go - breathe deeply and allow the treatment to bring true release

After your treatment - you may experience one or more of the following - this is quite normal and signifies the bodies response to your treatment:
Nausea, headache, dizziness
Frequent visits to the toilet
Skin change / redness
Fatigue or Hyperactivity
Change of appetite
Emotional feelings
If you experience any of the above they will not last for long. Drink plenty of water to assist the disposal of toxins released during massage
One important thing to remember your massage treatment continues after your time on the Meltage couch. Allow the treatment time to work and do not surprised if at first you feel worse. If you have significant muscle trauma you may need more than one treatment. If you have been advised to follow a number of stretching exercises try to stick to these, Peter can release the tension but restoring the muscle length is down to you.
Most important of all if you're not sure - PLEASE ask.